Online Dating

I’m Santoso, a 25 year old single man who is looking for a life partner. People say my luck is very bad in terms of romance, it happened because they saw me who always failed to attract women’s hearts. Is it possible that my face is not really handsome, huh? But not really, even Tom Cruise could compete with me. Hehe…

Finally, a friend suggested that I take part in online matchmaking. What? I’ve never heard of that before, am I tacky? A website was told by him, he said there were also single women who were beautiful but single. Wow, the more excited I am to register and join the website.

Until it was time that night, after I had dinner and I really had nothing to do anymore, I started surfing in cyberspace, and I started typing in the matchmaking website that my friend told me this afternoon. The looping icon that says loading in the top corner of the browser matches the beat of my heart that can’t wait to register.

The site is completely on the theme of romance, soft pinks and oranges that melt my feelings, plus the slider images that make me envy. Great marketing, I thought. Without thinking anymore I signed up, then verified my account. Done.

At the last stage of completing registration, I was advised to fill in my personal data, photos, especially age and address. Until finally the website immediately showed several accounts of single women who were my age who lived in the same city as me. It felt like lava that had just been erupted from the magma of a volcano, that’s how I expressed my happiness.

Immediately, I greeted the women who I thought the photos were real, not an edited photos, photos of a celebrity, or anything like that. I hope someone would like one of them to reply to my greeting via chat. And it’s true, didn’t wait long, only about 15 minutes someone replied my greeting.

Her name is Adinda, 24 years old, quite beautiful and also like me, still single. She even admitted that she had been looking for a lover for a long time and was recently told by her friend to register on this website. She was very happy to meet me. Then you know what next? She asked me to meet up. How lucky I am! I immediately said that I’m here in my own flat, she can visit me by after I come home from work, maybe around 7 pm. She agreed. I never thought, she who wanted to stop by, not me who went to her house. This may indicate that it could be someone who is really looking forward to the presence of love.

Finally I wore my best dress the next night and get ready to welcome her. Sure enough, 7 o’clock 3 minutes, or my clock is too fast, there’s knock on the door. I saw through the windows, it was Adinda’s face. I opened the door for him and the romantic moment begun. I invited her to come in and sit down, eating the special dish I prepared for her.

Just 1 minute of talking, I can conclude that Adinda has a lot in common with me, from food, hobbies, and even profession. Moreover, she is very friendly and cheerful. Now I can prove to my friends who have mocked me with their terrible dorm luck that this is not true. In the middle of the conversation, Adinda asked me to close the door a little because she felt disturbed by insect from outside.

I satisfied her request. I immediately headed for the door to close it a little. Instead, I found someone from somewhere hiding beside the door outside my house. The man was a mask, I immediately shouted that a robber was here. But it seemed that the man knew what I was going to do and immediately hit my head so hard that I fell down and bled.

The last time I looked at Adinda while I’m dying, she saw me with a terrible smile.

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