My Friend Was Being Possessed

This experience occurred while my friend was doing Basic Leadership Training in rural area.

Her name is Wita (not her real name) which I will make her the main character in this story. As an opening note, this is a true story of my friend. Maybe I don’t remember 100 percent of the details of the story, but I try to write in the best storyline. Happy reading. 🙂

That night, a group of female students arrived at the villa that had been booked to hold the training by using an open car or a truck as a transportation. The students began to get out of the truck and will immediately rest to prepare a series of activities that will be carried out tomorrow.

When the students were moving down from the truck, Wita who was still above suddenly saw a black figure that was clearly visible under the truck as if waiting for her to get off.

“You see what the black thing down there…?” said Wita to the friend next to her.

“What the heck? You are sleepy, Wita!”

Indeed, maybe Wita was just hallucinating, but the figure was still under the truck even when Wita got off. And the black figure still appeared following Wita with. very. clear. shape.

It cannot be seen in detail how the figure looks, but the striking black color has become proof of its presence. Never mind, maybe because Wita was sleepy enough so the figure would be ignored.

Because so many students occupied the villa, they who did not get a mattress and bedroom chose to sleep in the living room, on the carpet and on the sofa.

Wita chose the living room sofa for her night bed with her friend. Somehow at that night Wita could not sleep even though she was very sleepy. And somehow Wita seemed forced by something to stare at a certain area.

Overpowered by her curiosity as well, Wita finally looked at the area the something was referring to. It turned out that this area was the window beside the sofa which was covered only by transparent curtains. Yes, predictably, there is someone standing out there. The black figure again.

Even worse, the lights suddenly turned off by themselves. Uh, no, someone turned it off.

And it made the figure standing outside the window even more visible. Wita couldn’t stand it with the circumstances, she finally woke up the friend next to her who was fast asleep.

“Wake up please, wake up!”

“What’s up with this night-time Wit?” Asked his friend who was still half awake.

“Do you see what’s standing by the window?!”

“What is it? It’s just your hallucinations. There’s nothing outside.”

Unfortunately, Wita’s friend is right. That figure is no longer there.

On the following evening, it was time to hold the main event, night crew, that’s it.

Starting from a marching activity that was very quiet, accompanied only by the sound of crickets. The situation is very quiet and tense with the lack of lighting.

Wita is at the very edge of the line, where there should be no more female students next to her. But that was not, there was someone who joined the line right next to Wita. Yes, who else if not that figure? Even this time the figure began to show its form more clearly.

Like a girl, with long hair. Seen wearing a white dress or what is unknown because it was obstructed by the darkness of the night. Standing right next to Wita, looked like waiting to be greeted.

Let alone turning around and telling her friend what she was witnessing, just saying a holy word was very difficult already. But fortunately, the figure soon disappeared so that Wita was able to move normally again.

It turned out that this did not last long, there was something strong pushing Wita from behind. That’s right, you already know what happened next. That’s how the figure entered Wita’s body and …

…Wita was in a trance. This is where the story begins.

Wita woke up at that moment. She saw that his friends were no longer there. Where are they? What’s with the marching activity? Why is everyone gone? Wita was completely alone there. And Wita realized that it was not the location where she and her friends had lined up, but in another place that was quite dark, in the open, surrounded by forests.

Wita looked around, then her gaze fixed on a figure standing in the distance. That girl again. But this time in the clearest form. She is beautiful. Very beautiful. And looks closer towards Wita.

Wita didn’t know who is she…

Now every student in the villa mention the name of God with their respective beliefs. Some are doing dhikr and rosario, some are slow and some are loud. All are busy praying in accordance with their respective religions and beliefs.

Wita screamed and rebelled, her small body was able to throw and slam 8 men who were holding her very tightly. The voice that came out of her throat was heavy, strange, and it didn’t seem like Wita’s voice.

Everyone in the villa frantically scattered, looking for the nearest reinforcements. An ustadz (moslem priest) was brought in, a prayer was read. But all of them has no effect. Everyone remained panicked and this situation lasted more than an hour. Finally, there is someone who has the initiative to go down to the village community to get more information about the senior ustadz.

After a while, the senior ustadz arrived, whose knowledge might be higher than the previous ustadz. Approaching Wita who was screaming, where no one could hold her anymore.

The figure came to Wita, a beautiful but creepy face slowly reaching her stiff body, unable to believe what was happening.

“Come on, come with me… Come on…” The figure persuaded Wita to follow her.

Wita between conscious and unconscious, slightly refused the beautiful figure’s invitation.

“Come on, come… come on…” The figure persuaded even half forcefully.

Wita doesn’t know what else to do. As if hypnotized by the seduction of a figure who was not human, it seemed like Wita began to move forward to fulfill the creature’s invitation.


Suddenly someone grabbed Wita’s body and held her from behind. 2 people in white robes and turbans, don’t know where they came from.

Wita was screaming in pain. The voice came out from her mouth was so creepy that anyone who heard it shuddered with horror. The ustadz recited several prayers against the creature who possessed the Wita’s body!

“Where do you come from!” Asked the ustadz.

Wita just pointed slowly and didn’t know which way. However, we can be sure that the direction is to the open field where the real Wita spirit is placed now.

“Get out of this child’s body!”

It turned out that the figure did not want to come out. The atmosphere was getting tense and it lasted quite a long time. The ustadz finally has no tolerance and expels the creature by force.

The creature managed to get out… but only half.

Wita also seems to start to awake. But not completely. There are several parts of her body that are still cold enough, indicating that the figure is still in Wita’s body.

“I don’t want to, I don’t want to…” sighed Wita.

“Come on, come on, come on…”

“No, I don’t want to!”

All is said by Wita. As if Wita had 2 personalities. Wita said the suggestions, but Wita also refused. Wita also sometimes complains that her body is heavy and quite painful on the back, especially the shoulders.

Wita is fighting alone against the figure’s stimulus. But on the one hand she is also powerless as her body is controlled by the evil spirit. Every time she refused, her shoulders felt very painful, as if the spirit that didn’t want to come out was gripping her hard.

After the ustadz took the spirit out completely, the recovered Wita explained that when she was just half conscious, something was whispering her and inviting Wita to come with her.

The whole incident lasted up to 3 hours. From 1, to 4 am.

Wita’s aura was attractive to the spirits. And the 2 people in the turban who helped her were still in family line with her. Could be the father of his grandfather, or above. Wita herself was shocked that the trance incident lasted up to 4 hours. Even though she felt in another realm it was only 10 or 15 minutes.

And fortunately, Wita managed to refuse the stimulus from the spirit. Because if not, Wita would most likely die.

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