Creepy Dream

Creepy Dream

My mother had a strange experience when she gave birth to my younger sister. For seven days in a row my mother had the same dream. She dreamed that she was in the middle of a giant cavern. She also saw my sister a few meters away from her. However, a woman with a green face, white dress, and long hair floated towards my sister.

My mother was clearly panicked, she saw my father outside the cave reading the newspaper, while the entity got closer to my sister. Not having much time, my mother ran to the woman and then saw her football-sized eyes (this is just a metaphor that her eyes were really big) and immediately stab her eyes with her fingers.

For seven days in a row the same dream kept repeating itself, and the method of defeating the entity was done differently, but what my mother remembered was only stabbing her eyes.

On the other hand, my neighbor in second floor, at 1 am, whose house is a two story house, saw a woman with a green face, white dress and long hair, floating over the roof tiles of my house, exactly over my bathroom, then disappeared in the water tank. In another night, he listen from his house window on the second floor, a woman cried in my backyard.

My backyard door always closed after 7 pm.

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