An Online Motorcycle Taxi Service

Dark Road

Indonesia is one of the countries that has the highest number of vehicles in the form of motorbikes than other countries. In fact, not a few residents have turned this vehicle into a type of taxi, which is called Ojeg. Along with the times, this mode of transportation in the form of two-wheeled vehicles can now be ordered online via an application with registered and trained drivers.

I am Andi, is one of the online motorcycle taxi or ojeg drivers who have just joined since 5 months ago. You know, sometimes serving passengers is not always smooth, not infrequently I get scolded by my passengers even though the mistake happened because of them, not because of me. But because the Standard Operating Procedure obliges me to always give the best smile and service, I just hearing their cursing, after all, my salary comes from them too. That’s why I enjoy it a little.

One night I got an order to pick someone up right on the road next to the entrance to the Ragunan zoo. As far as I know the road has almost no residential areas and is also surrounded by gardens and walls, which must be very dark. Then when I saw where she was going, it turned out to be the Tanah Kusir area. Again, I thought that it was quite famous there for the eeriness of its General Cemetery. But there are indeed many villages and can be said to be quite crowded. I guessed her house is there.

I’m confused whether I will take the order or not. Is it just a prankster? But what if she really needs online ojeg services? And also coincidentally because the destination is in the same direction as my trip home, so I can take the passenger’s order. Once I took it, then I found out her name is Amelia. What are you doing at night in such a vulnerable location? Well I’ll try to find where she is now.

But on the way to the location of the female passenger I stopped. I tried calling her first to make sure she wasn’t a ghost. Funny tho, can ghosts operate a smartphone? I started calling her. Not long after, the phone was picked up. From her voice I could tell that she was human. And she was in that creepy location, waiting for my arrival.

I speed up my ride. Through a shortcut I finally arrived at the place where the passenger named Amelia was waiting. I saw a woman who was approaching me and said, “Are you Mr. Andi?”

I said yes, and when I asked her what her destination is Tanah Kusir, she nodded. Okay, this is my last passenger tonight. I’ll immediately rest after delivering her. On the way, I asked Amelia where she had been from until all these nights waiting there. She replied that she had attended a party in her friend’s home, because it was too late, she could not find any other public transportation from that place apart from online ojeg. I nodded.

In the middle of the road, for some reason I got terrible goosebumps, it felt like something was wrong with the road I was taking at that time. Wait a minute, am I still carrying my passengers? Or maybe my passengers have changed it form? I may have watched a lot of horror films related to this, and it made me uncomfortable. A little I looked at her through the rearview mirror, apparently there is no problem with her.

“Mr. Andi,” my passenger said, “Are you uncomfortable? Like goosebumps or something? ”

I answered her with a slightly hesitant laugh.

“I feel it too.” The passenger continued. “I know that there used to be accidents here because of being disturbed by spirits. You should focus on the road, especially when it’s late night.”

I nodded, it turns out that she knows more about this place than I do. Because of that conversation, we had almost arrived at her destination, Tanah Kusir.

“Mr. Andi, later in front of that alley with electric poles, please stop.” Ask the passenger.

“Alright, but why don’t I take you to the front of your house?” I asked.

Indeed, before she answered, I just found out that the alley could not be entered by my vehicle, so I better drop her off in front of the narrow alley between the residential areas. Then Amelia got off and thanked me and gave me some money as payment. I could see her walking through the narrow alley before finally disappearing completely around the corner of the alley.

That passenger made me feel mixed up, somehow. Then I looked at a number of banknotes he gave me. At those times, my mind is searching for nonsensical things. If Amelia, my passenger is not human, then this money usually turns into leaves or anything like in most horror movies. That money remained normal without any change in texture.

After that I suddenly realized something when I started looking at the money more closely, and then I screamed, I threw the money away and immediately speeding up my vehicle to my house.

Each of the National Hero images on the money does not have a face.

I fell sick the next day. In the midst of my high fever, suddenly there was an incoming call that made my cellphone ring. I’m afraid it’s from my friends or my boss asking where I am right now. But after I picked it up and started saying hello, I didn’t hear any answer except for a sigh followed by a woman’s voice that was barely intonating,

“Would you pick me up again at the usual place tonight…?”

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