A Really Strange Village

Strange Village

That afternoon I played with 3 of my friends to a place that had a very interesting evening view. The trip is quite challenging, because we used the bus to reach the place, and then continued by walking along the residential area for 2 kilometers. But the view around me became strange, because the houses are so tight and dense but very quiet. It’s not that there aren’t any people, but it seems like some of them seem cold and somewhat antisocial.

Well, that’s not my goal. After a while I finally came to a very wide meadow and a wide river in the middle. The evening sun peeked through the trees far across the river. Wow, it’s really a very amazing view, I really enjoyed it. I sat and chatted with my friends until the sun was hiding behind the horizon. We panicked a little when we realized that. But when we wanted to turn back home, we got lost, making us panic even more.

My friends and I were trying to find a way out, the day was getting more and more unfriendly. The sound of crickets began to shout everywhere. The way out is not in sight. My friends and I were getting desperate. In the midst of that despair one of my friends found a light from the darkness. Of course that really makes us happy. So we immediately ran towards him, hopefully it was a light from one of the residents’ houses.

But we were wrong. It was just the light from a cigarette being lit. Hold on, there’s someone else here. Realizing we were watching him, he suddenly saw us very quickly and his face was very displeased. His face was quite scary, and his eyes were red. With a fairly fast movement, someone I don’t know who it was picked up something hanging from a tree branch near where he was sitting and immediately walked quickly towards us with that thing.

Geez! It’s a machete! We seemed a little late to run. Since we were shocked and couldn’t believe what we were seeing, there was a few seconds’ pause before we finally scampered off. I looked back, that person was also running after us even faster. We panicked, so panicked. Suddenly my last friend tripped and fell. We watched the person approaching and immediately slashed our friend’s neck very quickly. Oh no! He is a murderer! There was no time for us to help our poor friend. There was not even time for us to stop even if it was only for a moment.

We kept running, going straight without turning back. Hope there’s someone ahead of us. And right. We finally found the houses in front of us. We just screamed out loud for help. Among my friends, there were those who could not shout because they were so tired of running. We still see that person running towards us, even our distance from him is getting closer. I saw him swinging his machete at me. Hit my back hair. He started swinging his machete again blindly at us. My mind is dark. I bumped my friend a little until he fell, then as expected, he was the next victim. Luckily my other friend didn’t pay much attention to it.

I’m sorry, I had to push my friend that way because I also wanted to survive. At least we can stay away from that cruel killer a little while he is busy killing my friend. Finally arriving at a house, I started screaming again for help from them. But I just realized that their houses are very dark, none of their front lights are turned on. Every door to their house is tightly closed with a paper or large board that reads ‘Don’t be noisy!’ I don’t understand what that means.

We kept banging on their doors, we even saw a speck of light from the cracks in the walls of their house. But there was no reply at all.

“Help us! There’s a killer after us! Save our lives! We know you are inside!!!”

Unfortunately, however, there was no sound of any answer. Until we didn’t realize the killer was already a few tens of meters from us. Of course we were surprised a lot. I immediately told my friends to split up, right now. I immediately ran screaming “Quick, go to another direction!!!” to him.

My friend was confused which way to take, and it was giving an opportunity for the killer to immediately continue his action towards him. I could hear from afar the machete swing and my friend’s final scream. Now it is up to me to walk down the narrow alleys of the houses, hoping to at least find a place to hide from the killer.

I kept running and running, through the dark alleys with only a few lights that came out through the cracks of the walls and windows of the houses. I stopped because I was tired, very tired. I still hear that the killer steps seem to be looking for me. It may sound like a long way off, but I shouldn’t take this opportunity to take a rest.

Unfortunately I found a dead end alley which is very narrow. I could hide there, luckily there was also a lot of used things like cardboard and plastic so I could squat down and cover myself in them. In the midst of hiding, I still heard the sound of the footsteps who were still tracing alleys to find me. I don’t know why he still has the urge to kill me.

I realized, I was the only one left from my friends who had been killed by the killer. I was very sad, at that time I actually missed home, missed my parents, they must be worried about looking for me. I miss everything. I was hoping for someone to come help me, but it seems like this will be impossible. I continued to hear the brisk footsteps, which sounded louder, a sign that he was getting closer.

At that moment I remembered my mother who once told me that there was a village in the area near my hometown which every first Wednesday night of every month all activities there were eliminated. All lights outside the house are turned off, and put in every door of the house something to warn people in order to stay quiet. It is said that it was because there was a murderer who always targeted the citizens and finished them off without pity. Until now, it is not known who the killer was, because the residents never managed to catch him, even the killer ended the villagers who tried to catch him.

I just remembered. It’s the first Wednesday night of the month. Meaning, it’s time for the killer to hang around. I was pretty sure the killer wasn’t human, maybe a demon or such. I’m getting scared. I didn’t feel that the murderous steps were now very close to me and I held my breath as best I could. Finally the killer was only a few steps away from my position and his steps began to slow down when he came near me. I almost give up.

Time passed, I couldn’t feel and hear anything, but it seemed that the killer was still beside me. After that I heard slowly the footsteps away and continued to search the other corridors. I still don’t dare to move. However, because many ants started biting me, I slowly shifted slightly from where I was hiding. Then slowly I stood up, peeking through the boxes where I was hiding. Empty. I thought I was safe to stand by now, the murderous steps were no longer heard.

I started getting rid of the ants while starting to stand up. When I started walking, my feet suddenly cramped and tingled, I fell. My legs can’t be moved. At the same time the heavy footsteps of the killer began to sound back out of nowhere, perhaps because he heard the falling sound. Seemed like his steps were faster this time, and headed towards me. I can’t do something, I’m panicking. Especially seeing him suddenly come out of an alley near me and immediately lifted his machete while walking quickly toward me.

I screamed as best I could, the killer had now arrived right next to me and his machete was now swinging at me. Spontaneously I opened my eyes wide and got up from my bed. My breath is still panting. What? Is this just a dream? I’m still in my bed, in my beloved room. But all of that seemed real. I then looked around, this is really still my room. I’m still in my room.

In the midst of my consciousness that still hasn’t fully recovered, someone whispers from behind me,

“Shit! Why did you wake up…”

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