Keep Your Hobby With These 5 Tips
Lately I often find people changed their hobbies because they feel their last hobby don’t suit them. They just want to find a hobby that can bring benefits to them and legend says until now they are still looking for a new hobby that would make them like what we often see in mass media about people who become famous because they are comfortable with their own hobby.
I made fun of creating a poll on Instagram which turned out to be quite surprising results. Nearly 80% of viewers have experienced anxiety because they feel that their hobbies they have changed can really not make them grow.
There is someone having hobby of learning foreign languages, but unfortunately he got to the point where his activities did not seem to bring something useful to them. Also there are people having hobby of writing, but how many blogs are so quickly abandoned by the writer because they think that writing is a waste of their time.
Have I ever been like that? Yes, I admit, but not anymore. I will summarize at least 5 tips in the hope readers feel calmer and more focused in determining the hobbies that will accompany their lives.
Get to know the ikigai formula
Ikigai, comes from Japanese which means “value of life”. In short, the components consist of Passion, Profession, Vocation, and Mission. The components are formed from four basic foundations, namely, “what you like to do”, “what you love”, “what the world needs”, and “what makes money for you”.
With this ikigai, you can formulate how your hobbies are connected to those components. Can you master the hobby? Do you really love that hobby? Does the world need this hobby? And can those hobbies bring worldly benefits to you? The four questions must really have the answer “Yes” or you should get ready to change your hobby.
Respect every second of yours
How many people want to be rich, benefit themselves and their society, become productive, get better, but they allocate very little time to explore their hobbies. Their time is only used for scrolling through social media and playing games.
In fact, I give an illustration, a bodybuilder allocates 200-300 minutes of time each week for exercising. That does not include a strict schedule for getting healthy food and getting enough sleep. Even then, they will likely get the result maybe in the sixth month and even into the following year.
A programmer, most of them are just starting to be confident that they are proficient in the third year or even more. Though every day they are almost in front of the computer for a full day, even late at night.
How about your time allocation? When ikigai has been formulated, how do you treat your hobbies next? A person who already has a hobby, certainly must have time to express their hobbies no matter how busy they are. Is it possible that at least three times a week (assuming there is no strenuous activity) you have no time at all with your hobbies?
Record the progress
Now imagine for those of you who like to play games, you will certainly pass the stages in each of the challenges of the game. Level 1 is definitely the easiest, and after that it gets harder, harder, and harder. Likewise with your hobbies, don’t you ever think that something you like will always be easy for you to do.
Not at all.
In fact, most people experience anxiety with their hobbies when they start moving up a level. From there they encountered obstacles that made them doubt whether the hobby was right to them. Not infrequently, they give up and decide to change their hobbies, many times, over and over again until they are trapped into a vicious circle that they created themselves.
Can you measure at what stage your difficulty in diving into your hobby? Record the progress. For example, if you like singing, you might be faced with challenges like changing octaves, doing falsetto, vibrato, and so on. I give you a secret leak, many singers who can not do vibrato at all are now so smoothly raise the tone quickly in their throats. Even though I am not a singer, but I can vibrato, even though I achieved that just recently.
Reduce your time on social media
You might really be hit by a great turmoil if you are dealing with people who having same hobby with you, but they are all as great as dragons, while you are still in the worm stage, and even then you seem pessimistic to get to the snake stage.
Social media is full of false positives. Sometimes what you look on social media can make you no longer having enthusiastic about continuing your hobby. I even blocked a number of people whom I thought they were ‘too instant’ in getting reciprocity from their hobbies. Why can I say that? For example, for design and photography, many works that are said to have been made by a professional, but they claim to only follow tutorials or even change very few templates they downloaded from the internet so that most of their work always looks extremely similar to the others. In short, most of them do not even understand the concept of their own hobby.
Each of you is unique, but the question is how do you convey your uniqueness to the world through your hobbies?
Look for inspirations
Maybe you have the motivation to continue your hobbies, but in the midst of you having high spirits, you have a possibility of suddenly being stuck, you don’t know what steps you should take next. At this point, the fuel called inspiration must be filled immediately, because motivation alone is indeed not enough.
Hobbies that are run only because it has become a routine, will end up bored even until you run out of motivation. There are many ways to get inspirations, the easiest is to go out, because the environment outside can be a inspiration mine for everyone.
Don’t forget, listen to other people’s complaints, it helps you understand how you treat your hobbies better. This can reduce your jealousy towards others and reduce the question of why their work is always superior.
There is no age limit to explore hobbies, the assurance are on your today commitment.