7 Elegant Ways To Handle Negative Comments

9th January 2020 0 By anandastoon

Negative Comments

We are the social creatures, interact with so many people every day, either online or offline. Sometimes we have desires to get attention from the other people by creating something great, or even useful. Then we publish our works on any medias so they can reach more impressions and engangements from everybody we target at.

But, of course, not everytime we get delightful responses. There’s always somebody that make our sacrifices look like wastes. Those negative responses often put we in a serious depression. Imagining the large amount of time we took for them but what we receive is just the opposite with sadistic, brutal, and cruel words that really succeed for demolishing our heart.

We demotivated after all, or even get a trauma to start some other brilliant works.

Don’t worry, it is normal. We like the normal thing to keep our breath circulations up. Revive! It won’t last long. Here, I ever had such dilemma, then I have some tips to handle those negative comments rumbling our days.

Look who gives the comment

Wait, isn’t there a saying, “Look at what is said and don’t see who is saying it?”

Yes, that is true. But well, this is another story. How do you find out who commented? You can see from their profile if they have an identity such as a username in their social media (if they have any) that can be clicked and then see how their attitudes belong their homepage. Or just see how they speak their opinion out.

Are those who give you those sharp comments professional? If so, then you have to listen to it no matter how bad the comment is. Because they sure know more about the scopes, even though they may not be good at delivering it. You can start improving and improving to become superior in your own. At the very least, you can learn how the ethics of giving good comments to others. Your attitude even more important than your works or your knowledge.

Make everything clear

Many people just giving comments like “ugly”, “stupid”, “rubbish”, “trash”, or some other piercing expressions. Sometimes it’s good to ask for clarity what cause of they saying it. Their answers sometimes determine the quality of your work in the next period or in the next update. If their answer only continues their expressions of hatred for your work without an explanation that can be understood, then that person’s comments are not worth listening to.

But if they don’t answer, then there’s no need to care. 🙂

Measure the standard

If they say yours is bad, then what is the basis for measuring their argument? Or perhaps this just an issue of “taste”. Sometimes I meet someone who ‘slaps’ me with his negative comments turns out that what he likes is something I hate. But, I keep my mouth clean and just ignore him.

You already know you cannot please everyone. I like jazz for the example, but I don’t like rock music while you like the opposite. We do not like ignorant people who not respecting our taste, so do they.

Don’t fight the natural thing

Please accept the fact that every result of the handmade received criticism, whether sadistic or not, whether clear or not, whether annoying or not. Don’t ever those responses mind you, remember, God Himself is still insulted by idiots. So, you don’t need to worry too much, because you are not alone. The problem is you are not seeing the negative comments every professional got.

You can see the world how human characters are in general. I repeat, you can’t be sure that your work will be liked by everyone. Too high expectations and delusions can be very painful if those don’t meet the reality. You just simply try to do the best according to your capability with a speck of hope your effort can be useful for many people.

Compare and evaluate

You can calculate how many people who give negative comments to you with the positive ones. That’s where you get a conclusion if it’s true that your work is not that good. Well, if so, then there is no need to worry and be sad because it is normal. You can learn from what you have gotten even though it is painful.

Forgive yourself, maybe actually they also enjoy, but unfortunately they don’t have nice attitude before commenting. Or they even still not mature enough to choose their word to you.

Think of your ‘fans’

If you decide to quit the world you are in right now, think of those who are waiting for your next work, think of those who care about what you produce, no matter what the shortcomings of your work. They are one source of your motivation, they see your potential, not the results. If any of them say, “Don’t stop!” Then listen.

They also believe that you can develop better and better. If you are still young, it’s natural that you get negative comments because you are still in the learning process, and every professional appreciates everything.

Get the benefit

You got a nefarious commentaries? Ask them nicely what’s wrong, hopefully you can receive a constructive reply. Or maybe you still got a bad thing from the hater, but remember, everyone watches your manner. With your lovely behavior of replying others’ feedback, people may find it heartwarming which will support your activities through the day.

Don’t be a loser who always think they are superior. It is constructive comment that just like the name, it constructs your ability and skill from those comments, either it good or bad. Keep smiling with the other professionals who get same things like you. 🙂