5 Tips To Prevent Stuck While Writing

30th March 2020 0 By anandastoon

Stuck While Writing

Some bloggers like us might have a time when they no longer know what would we write. Running out of ideas, stuck, do not even have the desire anymore to continue blogging activities. No problem, it is a natural thing, even office work has moments to take a break and refresh the mind.

Likewise with blogging, even if it’s just a hobby, but stuck periods may occur on the umpteenth day. Once again, it’s natural, but the problem is when bloggers have become so lazy to continue the blogging hobby.

How many blogs have less than 100 articles, or even less than 50, or even less than 10, but the blog is already like being far away in exile? Wow, too bad, We don’t know what caused the writer to not want to continue his/her hobby.

In contrast to blogs whose contents are only one to three articles whose content indeed looks like a trial and tends to be careless. I am not concerned about them not continuing if indeed blogging cannot be the right hobby for them. I will focus more on discussing writers who do have a passion but they are prevented from writing because they do not have the time, or even run out of ideas (stuck).

I have at least 5 tips that might be useful for bloggers.

Get more than just a theme

I’m not sure whether this is often discussed in the writer’s community or not, but definitely try to have at least two themes for your blog. Even if your blog talks about traveling, it never hurts for you to include other themes such as humor or mystery. Even if you excerpt from other writings, better if it comes from some personal experiences or people closest to you.

Because someday you will be bored or stuck with the traveling theme and nothing will be written again for a while, or even in quite a long time. By having a backup theme at least you can turn around and find something fresh to keep your blog alive.

Let the ideas grow

If you get a brilliant idea to write to your beloved blog, sometimes it’s much better to save your ideas to let them grow. But don’t forget to note the idea first, just in case if later that idea will fly from yours and land on someone’s head.

The reason for not immediately opening your blog and trying to directly write the idea, is the possibility that the idea is still too raw for consumption. It is feared, your writing stops in the middle because you are confused how to process the idea. In the end the writings that may be worth millions of dollars can never be resolved.

Let the ideas flow while you think about the framework and systematic writing. Allow the ears to listen for something soft and the eye sees something pleasant. Let your idea become a tree that brings out delicious fruits ready for picking.

Don’t be rushed, nor stretched

Maybe you want to have hundreds of articles on your blog so bad because you are jealous of other bloggers or want to quickly advertise or just to be known by many people. Not surprisingly, many bloggers even make short and fragmented articles that make blog content seems not finished yet and confuses readers.

As a result, writing has become a pure demand without being accompanied by passion or hobbies. In the end, some bloggers consider their content too raw and have no soul at all.

You don’t need to be like that, if you basically write hobbies and your ideas are very wild at that time, in one day you can create up to five articles at a time. But if you’re stuck, there’s no harm in resting for a moment in a day because it will make your mind refreshed.

But the rest period should not be too long, for example up to two weeks or up to one month because otherwise it will slow you down in reaching the desired number of articles, will also deflate your wild ideas. Just like a fitness expert who is no longer exercising, his muscles will become increasingly flat and turn into fat.

Don’t eventually at the end you will only stare at your blog articles that you have made and wail, “Where was the spirit that I used to get to write all of this?”

Get your quality support

Want to create horror content but run out of ideas? Look for a supportive inspiration. Why don’t you visit a video site like Youtube and look for old school songs with a horror theme? Or at least you have a playlist of horror songs on your mobile that can stimulate your ideas from the bottom of your brain.

For example, to make up a horror story, I listened to an ABBA song called I Let The Music Speak. Then suddenly I can imagine how the story line I will write.

Likewise if you have a traveling blog, but at that time you don’t have time to take a walk. You can still fill in the content on your blog by looking for inspiration, for example, looking for articles on Wikipedia about the countries of Oceania and/or the Caribbean Islands whose countries you rarely hear. From there usually there are pretty amazing pictures of nature that you might be able to make an article after you see the picture. For example, “10 Countries in the World Are Similar Like the Fairy Tale.”, “10 Countries in the World with Amazing Beach Panoramas,” and so on.

The more you collect music or images that support your imagination, the more ideas you might be able to write on your blog. But before that, make sure your support is right on target with the theme of your blog so that your writing has a soul that can attract the attention of readers.

It’s really not funny if you are writing content that has a theme of sad moments but what you listen to is heavy metal music or what you see are balloon images with vivid colors.

Have the time

When there is a writer who says that he never has time to write, it is certain he is not a writer. How would an athlete become a professional if he did not practice? Please look at me, I’m busy taking care of the company, customer requests, and my employees, with deadlines that are so suffocating. But thank God I still have time to write without sacrificing the main work to write articles on my main site (anandastoon.com) ad this until the articles in both blog reach the numbers above 600 in total.

What is the biggest reason writers don’t have time to write? Do not have time to write or indeed never allocate time to write? It’s okay that you might not have much time to write, but at least, making one article in installments with a few paragraphs a day should not be something difficult.

I usually prepare ideas while I’m resting while I’m working. Arrange a systematic framework with points about what I will write so that after my work is finished and I still have time even though only 30 minutes, then at least one article will be born on my site.

Just write, because that is perhaps the most beneficial activity we are most likely to do. 🙂